Gsnap Audacity Mac


Having received several queries about Mac versions over the years, I had a go at crowd-sourcing some funds to fast-track a Mac-porting project some months ago. That was unsuccessful, sadly.

However, off the back of that I was given a battered old MacBook by a nice mathematician at the University of Bath. So, I've been playing with that a little in my spare time to see what I can do. With some extra RAM from eBay, I managed to drag it as far as OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion) and start compiling some code.

In the interest of creating better multi-platform code, I decided to look at Linux at the same time. So I grabbed Ubuntu Studio 14.04, installed it on an old USB stick and started developing on there too.

Update 2020, year of Covid

How To Use Gsnap Audacity

On Windows and Mac OS X, Audacity is a 32-bit application so won’t see 64-bit versions of VST plug-ins, even on 64-bit operating systems. On GNU/Linux, 32-bit systems will have 32-bit versions of Audacity which won’t see 64-bit VST plug-ins. 64-bit systems will have 64-bit versions of Audacity which will see 64-bit VST plug-ins but won’t. GSnap by GVST (@KVRAudio Product Listing): GSnap is an auto-tune effect. It can be used subtly to correct the pitch of a vocal, or, with more extreme settings, to create a robot-voice effect. For GSnap to work effectively, the input signal should be monophonic, at a good level and reasonably noise-free. Note: GSnap is not a software program, but rather a specific effect that can be added to Audacity in order to make the process of auto-tuning songs easier. Before using it, make sure that Audacity can find it.

The Mac and Linux versions have matured a little now - see the main plugin pages for downloads.

Open your Audacity and record your audio or import a prerecorded sound to auto-tune. Select the part of the audio you want to correct and click the Effect Menu. Look for the GVST GSnap plugin and the commands for adjustment will appear. Configure the settings and turn your audio into a nice vocal presentation. Launch the Audacity app and navigate to Effect Add / Remove Plug-ins. Then find the GSnap, enable it and click OK. After that, you can import the audio file that you want to auto tune. Select the audio file and tap on Effect in the menu bar. From the drop-down list, select the GSnap option to open the Select Key and Scale window.

Summary :

Autotune, used by many music producers, is an audio processor that helps correct off-key and alter pitch in vocal. Here gives you a list of 3 best free autotune software and offers you a convenient way to autotune in Audacity. Have a look!

Quick Navigation :

What is autotune? Launched in 1997, Autotune is a tool that can correct off-key vocals to make them sound perfect. Commonly, autotune is in the form of plugin which can be used with DAW software like Audacity, FL Studio, Ableton Live 10, Logic Pro X, etc. If you need to add a song using autotune to video, MiniTool software is a good helper.

In this post, I've summarized the 3 best free autotune software for DAW software. Here we go!


GSnap is a free autotune VST plugin from GVST, which can be used to correct the vocalist’s pitch. It contains three parts: Detection, Correction, and MIDI.

It allows you to set minimum and maximum frequency to make pitch-correction more accurate. Setting the decibels can filter background noise below the set decibels level. Also, you can set the speed parameter as needed.

Besides that, GSnap can correct pitch by MIDI notes when you select the MIDI Mode. You can set the maximum pitch bend, control the speed and calibrate the tune. This autotune VST plugin is freeware, only available for Windows.

Gsnap for audacity mac

Download Gsnap For Audacity Mac

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#2. MAutoPitch

MAutoPitch is simple to use free autotune software with an intuitive interface. It can be used to do automatic tuning and separate left & right channels, separate mid or side signal.

Like GSnap, MAutoPitch also has a MIDI controller that can control any parameters in real time. What’s more, it comes with other amazing features like Formant Shift and Stereo-expansion.

This free autotune plugin can work on both Windows and Mac.

You might be interested in this post: Top 5 Best MIDI Players You Should Try.

#3. Graillon

Gsnap Audacity Mac

With a vintage-style interface, Graillon is an autotune VST plugin. The free edition features Pitch Shifter and Pitch Correction, while the full edition gets more features. By using Graillon, you can correct the tune of vocal, create robotic voice, alter the pitch of vocals, etc. This free autotune software is compatible with most operating systems including Windows, mac OS, and Linux.

Related article: How to Make MP3 Louder for Free? Top 3 Ways.

How to Autotune in Audacity

After knowing the above best free autotune VST plugins, here’s a detailed guide on how to autotune in Audacity.

  • First, you need to download GSnap from GVST and unzip it.
  • Copy and paste the two files dll and GVSTLicense in the Plug-Ins folder of Audacity.
  • Launch the Audacity app and navigate to Effect> Add / Remove Plug-ins. Then find the GSnap, enable it and click OK.
  • After that, you can import the audio file that you want to auto tune.
  • Select the audio file and tap on Effect in the menu bar.
  • From the drop-down list, select the GSnap option to open the Select Key and Scale window.
  • Here you can select a key and click OK to go on.
  • Then you can set the parameters as you like.


How To Add Gsnap To Audacity Mac

After reading this post, which free autotune software you prefer? Have you learned how to autotune in Audacity? Tell us in the comments section!

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